Search by Cargo (Chemical)

Complete or partial cargo names can be typed in and the search is for records that 'contains the text'
Depending on the search criteria, either one or more cargoes may be found and the required cargo information detail can be found by selecting from the list.
Enter Cargo (Chemical Name or CAS or EINECS):       click here to download the complete CRG list

This is only a reference guide. Mixtures of chemicals not listed in this reference guide require a formal recommendation from Advanced Polymer Coatings. Contact your ChemLINE® or MarineLINE® Representative or the Customer Service Hotline +1 440-937-6218 for detailed specifications prior to any final coatings recommendation or application. A formal recommendation should be obtained from Advanced Polymer Coatings prior to any purchase or specification of material.
If your chemical(s) or chemical combination is not listed, click here to contact Customer Care for review, and also include a MSDS and Certificate of Quality (COQ) if available